AFED young researcher award

The AFED Young Researcher Award rewards a paper presented at the AFED annual conferences. All young researchers who have presented their paper at the conference are eligible. Itt is required to submit a complete article with the application.

A "young researcher" is defined as a person enrolled in a PhD program or having defended their thesis less than 10 years before the conference date.

In case of co-authorship with a senior author, the young researcher specifies her contribution. In case of co-authorship with one or more other young researchers, the award is jointly granted.

The papers submitted are evaluated by the AFED scientific committee :

  • Françoise Benhamou, Univ. Paris Nord
  • Andreas Engert, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Michael Faure, U. Maastricht
  • Rosa Ferrer, Univ. Pompeu Fabra Barcelone
  • Luigi Franzoni, Univ. Bologne
  • Juan Mora Sanguinetti, Banque Espagne
  • Margherita Saraceno, Univ. Pavie
  • Catherine Tirvaudey, U. Franche-Comté 

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